To set up the bookmark, click the desired page.Option One – How to Highlight in PDF Online Method 1 - EasePDF Method 2 - Smallpdf Method 3 - Sejda The pages currently set up in the PDF are listed in the Page menu. Jump to Page will cause the PDF viewer to move to the designated page. To create one, type the desired URL in the text box Note that these files are not included in the PDF itself, so if you would like to include a file, use the File Attachment tab. To choose a file, click Browse or type in the path and file name. Open a File creates a bookmark that when clicked in the PDF viewer opens the designated file in its default viewer. The coordinate ( X1, Y1) is the upper-left corner, and ( X2, Y2) is the lower-right.
Clicking the Color will open a standard Windows color pallet, which can be used to select the desired color. Type a Title in the appropriate box and select a Style from the menu.There are two steps required in order to create a custom bookmark:

This will bring up the Custom Bookmark dialog box.

Layout Name leaves out the drawing name and put all the layouts at the top level.
This displays how the bookmarks will appear in the PDF file itself.

This information is saved in the output file, so it will apply every time the file is opened. Display Bookmarks in Viewer by Default determines if the PDF should open with bookmarks visible by default.The names and structure of the bookmarks can be customized using the Create Bookmarks by, Include Page Numbers, and Include File Extension options, which will be described later. The Enable Bookmarks check box controls the generation of basic bookmarks, which are typically named after the view and sheets.On the main screen of the Bookmarks tab, the following options are available: